The Fed Mission Success Round Up: Software Standardization, Structural Changes, and Modernization in Federal Technology

July 19, 2021

Welcome to the Fed Mission Success News Round Up brought to you by Makpar. Each week, we will provide a summary of actionable news and insights to help aid in overall mission success for Federal agency IT decision-makers and influencers.

NIST Outlines Security Measures for Software Use and Testing Under Executive Order

The National Institute of Standards and Technology met crucial obligations laid out for it in a May 12 executive order with the publication of documents recommending minimum standards for the verification and use of software in the federal government.

VA Secretary Outlines Structural Changes to EHR Rollout

As promised, significant changes are coming to management and deployment of the Veterans Affairs Department’s electronic health records, or EHR, program, including a new governance structure, new training regime and a rollout schedule based on readiness rather than geography.

Tech Executives Increased Political Donations Amid Lobbying Push

Executives at the nation’s largest tech companies made huge donations to key lawmakers in recent months as Congress debated legislation that would reshape the industry.

DevSecOps is Fueling Agencies’ Cloud Migrations

Agencies have increasingly migrated to the cloud to expand their DevSecOps efforts over the last few years, according to federal officials.

CDC Looks to Modernize its Immunization Information System

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention intends to make sole-source contract awards to seven vendors to modernize its immunization information system, according to a presolicitation.

Industry Presses Government to Invest in More Practical Quantum Computing projects

Quantum computing industry experts urged agencies Wednesday to invest more of their budgets in practical projects that address mission needs while advancing commercial products.

The IC is Recruiting for a ‘Titan of Industry’ to be CIO

The Office of the Director for National Intelligence is actively recruiting to bring on a “titan” of the tech industry to be the next CIO of the intelligence community. The IC CIO role is charged with coordinating and integrating IT elements across the intelligence agencies and reports directly to the director of national intelligence.

GSA Stresses Agencies Align IPv6 and Zero-Trust Plans Ahead of Next Week’s Deadline

The General Services Administration continues to stress that agencies align their IPv6 and zero-trust architecture implementation plans, ahead of the deadline for the latter next week.

From the Makpar Blog …

In case you missed it, here are our latest blog posts:

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Q&A: Introduction to Kavan Weerasinghe, Director of Program Delivery at Makpar